Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday & Thanksgiving!!!!

Auntie Aurea, this one is all for you! I'm so glad you told me you check the blog b/c I was considering not updating it anymore thinking no one actually read it! I'm so glad you do :) Well, we celebrated Cole's first Thanksgiving and birthday all in the same weekend! We had a wonderful time hanging with family (finally not working a Thanksgiving!) and showering the little dude with first-birthday gifts! While he didn't enjoy unwrapping the gifts, he did enjoy playing with them all! He is so interested in lights and sounds. He's been walking around tables and walls, he crawls like a champ, and he says quite a few words, mostly dada, mama, yaya (for Aurea!), milk & dog (or a versions thereof) and he clearly said 'uh oh' on his actual birthday!!!! He's grown so much and each new phase is more exciting than the one before! It's been so much fun watching him learn to explore the world!

Happy *Belated* Halloween!

Well, I am waayyy behind on posting, but thankfully not as far behind as I thought! The month of October flew by for us with Halloween & packing. Yes, we made the decision to move our little family back to Tulsa and our house in Austin sold in a week! Soooo, we had to quickly pack and make home repairs in order to close on Nov 16. Cole has handled the transition very well, he had a few days of restlessness and not wanting to nap, but we think we're getting settled now. Here are a few pics from the month of October. Cole wasn't really excited about the pumpkin patch or dressing up for Halloween, but he did enjoy hanging out with the neighborhood kids before the older ones began trick-or-treating!

The picture of him asleep on the couch was out our neighbor's, Jack & Kelli. We had a wonderful goodbye dinner with J&K and Bruce & Angie. Our neighbors became like family over the past 5 years and we miss them dearly already. Hopefully this blog (and facebook) can help keep us connected between visits!