Sunday, April 12, 2009

Cole @ 4.5months

Cole is growing by leaps and bounds! He had his 4-month checkup this past week and he now weighs 12pounds 8ounces! He's meeting all the developmental milestones like cooing, smiling, rolling over (almost), holding his head up, etc.!!! He's also started laughing here and there and we can tell that he can really see things now. He is fascinated over colorful toys and books and we're having a hard time getting him to not be mesmerized by the television (oops...don't tell on us)! He'd taken to holding onto burp cloths, so we got him a true 'lovey' this's a cute little dog rattle with's amazing that at this young, holding onto something like that helps him to fall asleep. I got this video to upload finally and it's of him talking! He gets a little camera-shy and quiets when I talk to him, so you don't hear me much, but he and I usually talk back & forth quite a bit ;)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

more pics

I put Cole in his swing last night and came out to find him kicking his way out...I guess I need to buckle him in. He is so strong too, he loves to hold his head up and look around everywhere. Here's a pic of him sleeping on the couch, once asleep, he sleeps through anything, just like his dad!

4 months

Cole is now 4 months...cannot believe it's been a month since I posted anything! Cole has changed sooo much! He is talking and smiling all the time! At daycare, they comment everyday about how much he smiles! The photographer who took our family pictures said she cannot get over how expressive he is for 4 months! It's so much fun to make him smile! He's finally sleeping through the night (now 8-hours at a time...woohoo)! He's learning to grasp toys and does really good with holding onto rattles. He also took his first trip to Tulsa and got to meet the rest of the family and his cousins...their group pic is too cute.